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Hey there! It's your birthday! I got lego, puzzles,shoes,basketball ball for my birthday! We played hide and seek. How is year four going? What is you're highest mark? Too: Mitya Losev...

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Olá futura eu! Como vai você? Espero que esteja bem. Estou escrevendo esta carta no dia 01 de outubro de 2016 e já se passaram 10 anos não é mesmo?. Pelas minhas contas esta completando 30...

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Now listen closely. You're free and most likely happier, now that you never have to listen to mr. mann go on about how america is cancer, or Joeys SJW bullshit, or having to wake up at 7:00 every...

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Hello future me. I really hope by the time you receive this that you would have made something of yourself. If not, this is a stern reminder to get off your lazy fucking ass and got get it bro....

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Hi Ajay It's been 7 years since we sent this mail. We are sitting here in the product development lab on the 30th of january in 2018.It's time to meet again. Call me at +917708544836

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