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Привет чувак, пишу тебе письмо в будущее в 2018г. я отправляю тебе это письмо в 31 год. к твоему 40летию. Через 2.5...

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hi aiden you are the most savage kid in the world and the best baseball player and the world lil uzi is the best rapper of all time

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Ciao Antonio del futuro. Ti scrivo dal 16 maggio 2020, in un mondo dominato dal Covid dove le mascherine sul viso sono la normalità. So che sei stato male durante tutto l'anno 2020, so che ti...

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13 September 2024 Friday Hey Today I miss Shawn. What happened was sad but I still miss him. I seem to not be able to forget about about even though I feel like he hurt me so much and...

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Labas Greta, artėja meilės diena, tai sakyk, ar ją praleisi su savo taip ilgai lauktu ir svajotu žmogumi? tikiuosi taip, tad artima ateitis mane labai džiugina. jei ne, tada reik susiimt...

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