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dear sam, i hope we get into UC santa cruz and if we don’t we can do process tech. at this point we should be all packed for UC santa cruz and waiting to leave soon and let’s goo! Right now...

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My dearest Katrin, I do not know where I am going to be in 2014, what I am thinking about, who I am, what are my dreams and my joys. But I do know that today, in 2011 I am so proud of who you...

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You're an amazing person and you're loved by many. Live your life to the fullest and do what makes you happy. -You know who :)

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Are you happy?

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Marte, how are you? I hope everything is fine! Well, it\'s Marco talking from the past so don\'t be scared! I know this sounds weird but yeah, I\'m talking with you, right now. I hope we...

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