Привет, малышка!
Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут».
Я надеюсь,...
Hello Marina! You will hopefully be reading this on your 18th birthday, if so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if not, then I've made a mistake with my mathematical calculations, no surprise there.
bugün 20.05.2020
bu sıralar kendimi çok huzursuz hissediyorum.
internette "the science of happiness" adlı bir kurs tamamladım ve orada gelecekte en en en iyi olasılıklar gerçekleşirse...
Hi Dasha! Žinau, tau gal jau skamba keistokai, bet man, būnant dvylikos, visai patiko, kad mane vadina Dasha :))) Beje, šis laiškas tau - aštuoniolikto gimtadienio proga! Sveikinu save...
Hi Afra, it's me. I'm currently 15 years old, it is April 13th 2020 at 12:44 am. I'm sitting at my desk in my pyjamas, with my dédi blanket on my lap. Today/yesterday I guess was Easter Sunday. I...