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მინდა რო იყოს მშვიდობა, სტაბილურობა, 3 დღეში ჩემი დაბადების დღეა, რამდენიმე...

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Hello Nanda, I hope this message has found it’s way to you. It's been a year since you asked me to be yours. I hope we are still together until today, so we can celebrate our first...

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Hey Caitlin, Just wanted to say I hope you are doing good and I am happy that I got to know you. You are a beautiful person. You said you liked snail mail. -Sampson p.s. Happy Birthday!

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Dear older me, Right about now I’m trying to decide if I should stay with my mom and move to league city, Texas; or move with my dad and go to court and move in with my dad to Springfield....

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And happy birthday!

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