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Não sei como, onde e com quem você está ao ler essa carta.Nem ao menos sei se ainda lembra de mim,sei apenas que nunca te esquecerei. Dentro de 6 dias vou te encontrar.Quero seus abraços,...

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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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Tau rašo Greta iš praeities! būū, šiandien man sueina 17, švenčiu - prižiūriu Jorį. :) Liko metai iki pilnametystės, visai jau didelė aš, o jaučiuosi taip pat kaip visada turbūt -...

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Hey, this is Jackson, you from the back in the day (the teacher didn't put the date on the board so basically yeah), I'm seeing if the paper letter actually works, if it does, that's kind of mad...

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Dear Jacob, Today is Feb 15, 2012 and you are 20 years old and youre sending yourself a letter. Hopefully you turned 25 by now. You didn't have class (Hist of Video Game Tech) so you stayed...

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