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Некогда не забывай свою религию Пожелеешь Начни изучать свою религию больше делай намаз не пропуская его...

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hey future lana, how are you? how's school? have you kept your promises? do you still look at him like he hung the stars to your sky? or have you learned that all that brightness has long since...

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Nu sveika Ingrida!;D Rašau tau 2011- spalio 28 dieną. Visai pasakyčiau graži, ir šilta diena, nes už lango šildo saulė.;D Tai va jei pameni tais metais buvau 12-okė, nsekėsi ne iš...

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Hello future mommy! I dearly hope you're now smiling after a year from today, its kinda crazy to think that exactly a year ago we were writing a motivation letter for 5alo. I'd be a foolish...

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How ironic is it to hate someone and still miss her

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