Sveikas, Vytautai. Sveikinu tave su naujaisiais metais ir linkiu laimės sveikatos ir sekmės ateinančiais metais....
Hey Its Sachin. So its your last year in college. you better party it up!!!!! and Happy Birthday. If I don't text you its not that don't love you. Its that I don't give a crap. JKJK I probably just...
Gyveni abejonėse, bet nebijok jos praeis ir pamatysi save po keturių metų, diplomuotą, protingą ir vis dar mylimą to pačio nuostabaus žmogaus. Viskas susitvarkys, užaugsi dar...
Hi there, you are awesome!
Dear tyler by this time you should be d1 and be looking at which college you are going to. You will not be stressing aboutt if you are going to get a scholarship because you will already have about...