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Привет! как ты? надеюсь что ты жива и прочтешь это сообщение, на данный момент ты встречаешься с Димой и...

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Hi are you? how is university? are you even in university? ugh ironic how im writing this right now and wasting my time when i should be off doing something else... haha. im pathetic....

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to my dearest neal, i hope this letter finds you well! it is a rainy saturday and i thought writing this would cheer me up. rainy days are best when shared with the one you love. i've set...

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ааа, чому світ став таким сірим?( я боюсь збожеволіти. так хочеться сонця,жити подорожуючи по світу,...

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Hello future me! Right now I am sitting in uni researching for my 49 project, looking at time capsules and things that can be put in them. Wonder what you are doing now, how you are finding your...

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