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от: Flo
Написано : 08-01-2012
Будет отправлено : 08-03-2022

Hey Mummy,

So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually alone because you have Dad and contact with me and squishy. You're 62 today so Happy Birthday! Sorry if I don't always show it but I love you loads and loads Mummy!
lots of love, Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

Hey Josh,

You are 25 right now which is really scary. I really hope that we're still really close and that you did well in your GCSEs/A level/degree and that you are married right now to somebody cool. I want a really nice sister-in-law and also lots of little nephews and nieces.
I love you so much little squishy, Flo xxxxxxxxx

Hey Dad,

If you're alive you're 75 right now which is really old... I hope you are alive because I couldn't imagine my life without you, even when I'm 28. I hope since I've written this letter you and mum have stayed close (and maybe even got back together). My friends think that whenever you two go to the theatre together you are really in a hotel having sex... I sort of half hope this is true.
Love you millions, Flops xxxxxxxxxx
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