June 29, 2019 (Wednesday)
Airport, Hong Kong
It's been a while since I've written to you, hasn't it? Don't expect any apologies for the lapses in my writing. It just means that your...
It's time for me to move on.. You'll always be my always. Thanks for everything, P. aju.
-forever beshie
Hey there dearJ.
Hope everything's okay with you and your family and that you're having a blast running your own company and inspiring millions of people all over the world.
Just wanted to...
Nors galbūt, viltis tik didina skausmą, bet vien dėl tų, trumpų, nepasikartojančių akimirkų, kurių nebepameni po keliu sekundžių, bet vis dar jauti žavesio ir susijaudinimo...
Tu gali galvoti kad tu esi zmogus, bet tu neesi zmogus, tu esi zmogus.
As nezinau kodel tu zmogus, arba kodel as debesys, bet zinau kad turiu sparnus, ir juos pameciau. Ajajajai....
Kai tu...