Dear Future Me,
I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face...
15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...
с днем Рождения тебя жена моя!
пишу из прошлого, сегодня 4ое окт 2011
Šiandien kažkodėl labai liūdna diena. Nieko šalia nėra.
Meilės, aistros.... nieko....
tikiuosi dieną, kai gausiu šį laišką, galėsiu pasakyti: o va šiandien turiu viską. Viską...
Kære Vivi.
Hvordan går det? I dag er det d. 10. Februar 2013. Du bliver snart student. Tingene er lidt stresset for tiden. Vi er i gang med at øve lancier til Galla d. 1. marts.
Far ringede...
Happy New Year, Hi how are you? It's been 4months I guess I just wanna let you know that I love you and I miss you, I'm not sure if you could still read this but I don't care, I just wanted you...