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Привет! Когда тебе придет это письмо тебе будет уже 18 лет. Надеюсь у тебя получилось воплотить мою мечту и ты...

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I hope this message has found it’s way to you. I hope you have managed to figure it all out, the ins and outs of life. I hope you have found the place you pictured yourself you would be. And...

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Dear Dovi, How's life going? Do you have the exact future that you've been expecting 10 years ago?. If not, it's not too late to live your life to the fullest, you're only 26 and there are...

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Hi there again! Hehe, lol! You remember you weren't satisfied with the first letter you sent, so here you are sending another! Hehe! So, here you are on your milestone 13th Birthday!...

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Labas mergyt!!! Aš labai labai labai labai Tave myliu ir sveikinu su taip ilgai lauktu 18 gimtadieniu! :* Tu esi nerealiai nereali, niekad to nepamiršk! Pameni, kai mes kalbėjom kažkada...

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