Hi to the lovely lady who is reading this... I want you to take this seriously.. By now you should have a child or should be pregnant atlest.. you should make sacrifices in order togain the weight...
Sveikutė, Vaiva!
Kadangi šiandien tavo gimtadienis, pagalvojau parašyti tau laišką ir iškarto tave sveikinu su gimtadieniu!!!!
Ir linkiu daug daug sveikatos, laimės, ir dar visko, ko...
By the time you read this email, it will have been 10 years since I sent it. How crazy is that? Today it is May 12th and I set this letter to be sent 10 years into the future, but on our birthday!...
labas barbe
ziurek kokia as fancy as tau parasiau laiska aahhahahhahaha as tikrai lietuve jis nemokamas haha apicly trolled. tai va barbe. lol. cia as, tavo zmona, rasau tau is praeities. miela...