Hi there shoe. if you're reading this, the world must have not ended. uhh hopefully you're doing well in college and what not, and you've also not gone through too many identity crises regarding...
Hi Jonah,
Today is March 9, 2014, in your home, at 5am in the morning:
At exactly 5 years you will get this letter...hopefully there will be changes...maybe...just maybe...
Ei, ateities žmogau!
Norėčiu, kad prisimintum šią mergaitę:
Kai lietutis ilgisi žolės, o žvaigždelės nakties, sėdi mergaitė ant suolelio ir skaičiuoja akmenėlius. Tamsu, tik...
Dear the lovely Catelyn,
I know you're probably busy marrying a millionaire, buying a new Bentley, looking for new curtains to go with the mansion you just bought, and taking care of your...