Brangus Tadai,
Rašau Tau, norėdama pasakyti, kad labai Tave Myliu. Jau antri metukai, kaip kiekvieną dieną atsikeliu ir užmiegu su mintimis apie Tave. Širdelė vis stipriau suplaka, kai...
Labas, Giedre!
Rašau Tau iš netolimos praeities.Dabar yra birželio mėnuo. Norėjau Tave pasveikinti su gimtadieniu
ir palinkėti, kad mūsų draugystė gyvuotu amžinai, kad norai taptų...
Hi Jonah,
Today is March 9, 2014, in your home, at 5am in the morning:
At exactly 5 years you will get this letter...hopefully there will be changes...maybe...just maybe...
Hey future self, you're at the peak of your life and you're just about to start college!! I hope when you open this message, you are in a good standing and at an exciting point in your life. You...
Hi,if u didn't get the chance to receive this letter then that only means that u finally did it. But if you're still alive, happy birthday (not like anyone would care), how are you? Are you still...