I am sorry if life is still hard because of hair, though I expect it( hair) to be much better now. Got your mind on studies? I will make sure you are studying Computer Science at IIT...
Happy Birthday!!!! 50!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Marina! You will hopefully be reading this on your 18th birthday, if so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if not, then I've made a mistake with my mathematical calculations, no surprise there.
I know that strong things are probably going to happen but I hope you have been able to cope as well as possible yes, take care my good friend after all, I am you from a year ago haha,...
Labas Aiste,
Turbut malonu dabar skaityti ši laiska as ji rasau 2012-11-29. Tikiuosi kad visos svajones issipilde ir gerai sekesi islaikyti egzaminus ;-D. Dabar as tuo labai tikiu. Ir jeigu dar...