Отосланные письма : 22262
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Hey man, I don't know if you're still going to be in college after 4 years or If you're gonna drop out or what but here are some of my questions. Is your major still polisci? Did you find any...

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Labas,Mama ir Dominykai,noriu jus pasveikinti su Šv.Kalėdomis ,nežinau ar su artėjančiomis ar jau praėjusiomis ,nes nežinau kada šis laiškas jus pasieks...Taigi linkiu jums Daug dovanų...

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Hey you smug son of a bitch yeah I'm talking to you Jordan By this time you better have at least one degree working on another and have a beast ass job. You also better have a minor and have...

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Dear M. Hello, you remember me I hope. I have known you ever so long, and I'd like to remind you of a few things. Firstly, you are very loved, you are loved more than you realise and you...

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Hola Nicolas, espero que las cosas hayn cambiado en tu vida. Que hayas vuelto a creer en el amor. Que estes haciendo lo que queres hacer. Que hayas dejado esa mierda que te anula. Que llores un...

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