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To future me, Hi, how about you. What did u change since u write this message until your currently status right now. What had been different exactly. Is it based on your financial problem? How...

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Sveikas, Viktoriuk, Rašau Tau laišką 2011.09.26. Tu jį gausi po 3 metų, per savo gimtadienį:) tikiuosi:)Sveikinu Tave mano Meile, su jubiliejumi:) apie kurį tu šiuo metu vis kalbi:) žadi...

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Hello future me. I really hope by the time you receive this that you would have made something of yourself. If not, this is a stern reminder to get off your lazy fucking ass and got get it bro....

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Dear future me, Life right now is fun right now, lets hope that it stays this way. Our grades are “okay” and I hope that our grades in high school grades are better then now. If we change...

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