Hi Sweetie,
Here I am again writing you another future letter. I chose to send this letter on this day because this is the day you told me you like me while drunk. Around this time you met Nen...
Dear Kailey,
You can date now! I wonder who you'll date. I can't date know because I'm 12. So Sad! I bet your having a great time in high school! You are going to college soon! Do you still want...
Labas, Tėti ir Mama!
Šis laiškas atskriejo iš ateities. Dabar man 15 metų ir šiandieninė data trodo taip: 2013.06.30 . Tikiuosi jog 2023 metais aš vis dar gyva ir sveika, jūs taip pat.♥...
Привет, сегодня 16 августа, думая я уже забуду про это письмо,когда оно придёт. Надеюсь отношения ещё длятся и...
Hello Brendan, By the time you read this you should be about 24. So i should just tell you this. I forgot about this letter a llloooooooonnnnggggggg time ago. So a little about what's going on as...