Hello C.A. sarvagya jain
How are you.you may be surprised that who has written this letter.but this is you only by the link http://www.letter2future.com/hi/write-letter/ .
so tell me hows ur...
It's your past self. Actually, it's you at 32 years old.
How are you? If you don't recall, you sent yourself an email off a website you stumbled.
How is the future? Are you still...
Dear FutureMe,
HALOOOOOO my older self :))
It's a letter from a few year ago. My self is developing and will always develop to become the better me. Right now, I am at my 3rd year in IF ITB and I...
Rašau šį laišką per paskutiniuosius mokslo metus gimnazijoje.
Žinau, kad šitie metai bus sunkiausi, jie gali nulemti mano ateitį ir tiesą pasakius aš jos neisivaizduoju tai...
Sveika, Bernadeta!
Čia rašai tu. Keista kreiptis į save lyg į kitą asmenį :D. Nu gerai baikim juokaut ir eikim prie tau šiandien aktuolios temos - gimtadienio! Sveikinu su 12-uoju...