Dear me:
Do you remember getting called Dumpling by Hannah Couch, your good friend? And calling her Hannama Bannanama from Panama City? By the time you read this Grandma has probably passed away,...
Hello Nicky
I hope I still know you.....
вера, ты самая лучшая!! я не знаю как я сейчас выгляжу и не знаю как у меня дела но надеюсь, что все хорошо!! ты...
سلام خودم
میدونی که دوستت دارم
مهم نیست الان در چه حالی هستی
مهم اینه که کسایی که دوست داری کنارت باشن...
Hey Mummy,
So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually...