Labas mamyte,
niekad nerašiau Tau laiško...retai Tau paskambinu...dar rečiau aplankau...niekad neišdrįsau tiesiai į akis pasakyti kaip aš Tave smarkiai mylėjau, myliu ir mylėsiu (gal...
Dear me,
This year I start grade 9 and I’m not so excited because I love being able to sleep all day and do things I like to during days. But after this year I’m going to leave...
it's you 1 month ago. I still have my three fish!
Jee, gavau laišką iš ateities :D
Dear future me, before you read this be sure to film it!!!! bye time you get this we have been through high school and are now possibly going to collage! Congratulations!! What were our grades?...