Sveikas, Audriau,
Nesistebėk ir smarkiai nesidžiauk laišku, tiesiog, vykdyk nurodymus, nes rašei pats sau.
Taigi, rašau į ateitį - kreipiuosi tik tam, kad pasakytum man reikalingus...
Dear future maria,
I would like you to know that write know is a hard time and it can change everyone's lives in a split second hundreds and thousands of people are dying each day because of the...
hey myself,big guy nw uh?? hw r u ??am 15 nw and u will receive dis in 2020 i guess,ill make sure u will receive dis on ur birthday anyways Happy B'day frm ur young self ;)still hate birthday...
Hà Nội, 30/5/2018
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