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от: Jorge Escalante Diez
Написано : 01-04-2016
Будет отправлено : 31-03-2017
Dear future me in 1 year,

I think you will recall all too well the feelings, emotions and aspirations you are reading on this letter as only a year has gone by since. Never the less, I hope that you will have seeked to achieve at least some of the goals I will talk about in a bit or found new and better paths to go down and which as usual, always surprise you in unexpected ways.

First, I want to talk about where I am now. A little walk down memory lane and hopefully you will get that typical “are you serious that was important, you dumb fuck” kind of moment! That will obviously be a clear sign that you learnt your lesson, moved on and are probably having some new type of dumb ass issues now which a more future us will be able to someday look back on and mock us both. So cheers to that!

But back to the story. Life right now is well, in a strange place. Profesionally I can say over and over again, wow what an amazing experience I am having, how fortunate I am to have driven myself into such an incredible learning opportunity at CEMEX. I am very highly valued in the team and the stage of being “the new guy on the block” has passed which means, harder times, more responsibilites and higher expectations. I have siezed to be the person that surprises on every opportunity and have now begun to become the person whose expected to deliver very high results on every opportunity. This is a good thing, scary and a little less exciting, but most definitely a good way to understand that this is what stability has to look like in order to refrain from wanting to jump around from company to company which although for now is very much part of my desire to grow but in the future I recognize stability will be important. I cant imagine having a better team, the dynamics of interaction with Alex almost as if he was an older brother, the amazing humour and great people skills that Salvador has which are always acompanied by humilty and being down to earth, the passion and desire to always stand out from the crowd that Giulia embodies, the calm and collected yet always warm heartedness of Jorge Sr. And over all, the amazing and always challenging leadership of Davide which is beyond measure inspiring. I must repeat once more, I wish I could take this team and job and live somewhere else and continue my personal growth path. But as with all, I think we both know that stepping away to embark on another journey is going to be difficult yet necessary to fulfill my life expectations and potential. It wont be easy because of leaving the people behind, the “business street credit” ive gained and also the pretty good financial situation I am in at the moment. I hope that when you are reading this you will have made the right decision to push yourself out of your comfort zone once more and are ideally on your way embarked on a different learning adventure or if not, at least taking some serious steps towards doing so (apply to a masters or go get that job that fills your growth engine), and if not. GO DO IT YOU IDIOT!

Lets take things to a more personal level, as usual the first thing that comes to mind is girls. Right now just as a recap, I have just gone through the most rollercoastery ride of my life so far with Barbara. Wow take a moment and look back and reflect at your inability to say no to something that was bad for you and beneath you. As one of the articles you read from Mark Manson (which you better still be reading regularly), you created a “Conditional relationship” where you are more with the person for the benefit of being with them than because you are crazy about the person per say. She has amazing features so we wont take that away but lets be realistic, you were never falling for her, you were falling for the idea of wanting to be in a relationship again, how that made you feel and what others thought when they knew you were with her. Lets take it a step further to just analyze what an idiot you were by letting her treat you like shit and always being that second side piece to someone clearly beneath your potential and by someone beneath your potential. Dont let your self get caught up in these kind of relationships. Now between the you reading this and the me writing this….4 months of time with her remains on the table so hey…hope you didnt fuck yourself up too much over this and that you managed to move on. But enough about her, there is another main character around…Lea! Right now as I am writing this I wonder, might she be a much bigger part of my life when you are reading this? I hope she is…if she is, show her this letter. Let me recap the today: you are more than considering taking 10 days to go on vacations to go fly out to some country in southamerica just to see her! There is something very special there but at the same time…wow you just only met her 3 days in mexico! Thats kind of risky so I hope the risk was worth it, I am more than sure if it didnt work out you will have learnt a more than valuable lesson and hated yourself a little in the process. Get over it! You know how easy we get excited about these kind of things and it all becomes an incredible wave of amazing emotions, this is how it should be! Dont change that! As rodrigo once told you “When life has you at its high points, enjoy it, when it has you at its low, enjoy it as well”. So those few statements were preventive incase when you are reading this it didnt work out (always being rational here, you would know, right). Now a little more heartfelt side: I have never met a girl like her…I really like how easy it is to talk to her, she brings out a really good side in me and I love that feeling of how she looks up to me, it makes me want to aspire to more. This is the kind of person I need to surround myself with! Yes she complains a little about stuff but very much in my eyes right now I see it as a huge opportunity to grow and she is really such an outgoing, fun and unpredictable person so if your smart you will always see that side to her and all people who embody these same features. I hope you did take that crazy flight to southamerica and made something out of that, good or bad but worth living and learning.

Lets talk about family! This is a tough one I know. Not tough in the way other families have a tough time, more just tough for the lack of empathy or genuine interest I feel towards home. I dont know why things are that way but its more of a provoked empathy than a genuine one towards mom and dad. Lets face the truth, they, and particularly dad, is getting old and I feel extremely scared of that sometimes! They say you dont realize what you have until you lost it…I hope you made the time to more frequently remind them just how much you look up to them and from the bottom of your heart thank them for where you are now and how they helpped you be who you are today. If you havnt. Do so right now, once you finish this letter, call them and share something with them or go visit. You have the right feeling at heart but its just the difficulty to express this with them. Iñigo on the other hand, man I will love that guy inconditionally…so dont forget to keep him close, very close! You need him and he is one of the biggest inspirations for you. He has so many traits and features that Ive always looked up to and is one of the most human persons ive ever met. Let him know more often! He needs your support in everyway and you know you will always have his back when push comes to shove, but also have his back on the reuglar joe wednesdays! Call him up as well, read him this shit, crack a few jokes, arrange a plan to see eachother!

Friends: This is the part where I cut the BS and life moment friends out and keep the dear ones close. I hope since I wrote this you have gone to see Luci, Jorn, Robert, Mario and Alejandro as well as kept in touch regularly with the Barreros, Ali, Diego, Martin, Nina, Rachel, Paco and Diego Savall. Remember that no matter where you are in life, these people will always take you to a better place in every way. These people are one of the most important ways of finding inspiration, comfort and opportunities in your life and no matter the distance or situation always make time for them in one way or another. As always new faces will come and go, some old ones just stick around for life.

Finally, lets talk about where I am in terms of thinking whats ahead in the field of studies. I am very much stepping away from the idea of doing an MBA at the moment and focused more on a path to do a Masters in behavioural sciences which has nothing to do with HR or Organizational behaviour and is far more focused on how people make decisions in their life and the business rational behind this. I think at this moment there isnt a masters out there that will be fit to size with what I want but I hope if this remains on your mind, by now you will have done far far far more deep diving into researching this! Right now CBS seems like a very good possibility as well as US options such as Berkley or Stanford. The reality is I am speaking out of ignorance of the market for where I want to go and more out of wanting to feel accomplished, this SHOULD NOT be the driver for that decision. The reason you go to do your masters needs to be because its a turnkey moment in your life goals. One year from now if today I were to set my expectations would be to be either 3 months into my masters (best case scenario), or a few months away from starting it and leaving switzerland. If this is not the case, STOP! Make some time to get this to happen…you will not allow yourself to keep to Switzerland because despite all the positive things in your life right now, overwhelming happiness is not one and unless that has changed, this is the excuse to go find it elsewhere.

Now some bucket list event kind of things, so by now if all went well you should have been to your first grandslam in paris, olympic games and champions league final so start thinking of whats next to do. If your still in europe plan Wimbledon at the very least, London is always nice in summer! Also when was the last time you did something adrenalinewise crazy…Go do something that will get your heart pumping fast and hard! Also, right this day you have the song of “wrong direction” and “I hate” by passanger stuck in your head so listen to those again, hopefully you made it to his concert by now and if not…check out where he is playing!

Healthwise, improve your life style! Not that its terrible right now but you know you can do better! Remember when you lost 9kg in one healthy month….if you need that again, do it! And try to take it to another level and work on more muscles, im sure you will feel proud of it and also Im sure that current girl will not complain either! Plus summer is around the corner so go do some exercise and look fit!

Ok so here is the last petition. Write 2 years from now us (one year from when you are reading this us) a letter like this one! See where you went well, what you did wrong and I want you to make a list of everything you didnt accomplish from the day you wrote this until the day you are reading this and give yourself 1 more year to do it. I hope that list is very short because in anycase, now you will have to add all the things you want to accomplish in the next year! This is a form of yearly bucket list per say. It sounds stupid but you get how it helps! So do it!

Always remember that writing things out and saying them outloud has always helpped set your mind straight and progress. Leverage this.

So with this I end my letter, I hope you are in the most amazing of life scenarios with prosperous growth and surrounded by people that care for you. If you are not….get your ass moving and stop waiting for tomorrow. Actually, even if you are, seek for more and better always!

Lots of love,

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