Labas, pupa,
Tikriausiai aš jau Suomijoje, o jeigu ne, tai reiškias truputi nepasisekė ir mes esam lengvi lūzeriai :) ... patapšnok man per petį ir lengvai pasijuok iš manęs.
Hello Adam in the future. Throughout this school year I would like to learn more about the world in general. More about jobs and what is to come in the future. I hope to make many new friends this...
Dear Future Me,
I am doing okay in life right now, not great but all right. I am currently traveling around and playing baseball on weekends and during the week. I have had my phone taken away...
hey there dummy so today was kinda a bummer
just surviving , just trying to get my fucking shit together
ciao me del futuro devi sapere che in questo momento sto scegliendo un liceo e oggi mi iscrivero al Liceo Artistico, spero che tra 5 anni sarai fiero di questa scelta e potrai seguire i tuoi sogni...