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Dear future me, Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...

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hi im in highscool yay finally d,lvnhoawerjhbfojaebvhfoucv im so exited lololollololloololllooloilolooloooloololololololol ololololololololololl. i was so imature in 8th grade but ik i still that...

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I hope the coronavirus has digressed or a cure is found. I hope gabriel has learned your name and started crawling. I hope you decided on a college and maybe even found a nice boy. Much love.

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Dear the lovely Catelyn, I know you're probably busy marrying a millionaire, buying a new Bentley, looking for new curtains to go with the mansion you just bought, and taking care of your...

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Dear Jordan, umh I honestly don't know what to say. As of now you have been through a heartbreak.. your first. Your living with your best friend because you don't have a home and through...

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