Отосланные письма : 21805
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this is pointless dunno why iM doing this, when the schooL ends im gonna go home and just gonna no-life some games like a Pro. i dont know what i wanna study, but im gonna go and study...

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Sveika Egle, Praėjo nemažai laiko, ar dar prisimeni Pauliną, šiandien 2012-10-03 prisimeni šią dieną? Tetis parnešė didžiulę vištą kuri tau atrodo...

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Hey Chevi!!! So How are you ? Excited Nervous Whatever it is Tommorow is the day The big day Its your exam Or may be day after tomorrow I wrote this 2 months back so I am unaware....

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Hello 18 year old me! This may seem strange at first but this letter was sent from yourself in 2013! I hope you/me have achieved your/my goals: 1) Achieve good grades in school 2) Applied for a...

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Hi self, it's me your 2021 self. Right now I'm on my midterms week of 1st Year in Architecture school. I'm really having a tough time right now because i am not currently in the best state of...

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