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Ruduo, bet buvo gan saulėta diena. Taigi, rašau laišką sau, nežinau kodėl, bet.. bet. Nesu iškalbingiausias žmogus pasaulyje, bet manau dabar 2013-07-02 jau galiu pasakyti tai ką noriu ir...

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Hi. First, I want you to promise that you won't freak out or panic to what you will read. So here it is. I want you to greet first a Happy Birthday! Enjoy this special day of yours. I...

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08/01/2012 Hey Mummy, So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually...

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It would appear as though you have found a way to manipulate the time and space continuum and make both yourself and your future self meet.Or since you're reading this in 2021 it's yourself and...

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Sveika:D, vasara jau ne uz kalnu, o as vis dar galvoju ar ji bus pati geriausia gyvenime ar foreveralone... Taigi dabar pabandysiu parasyti kelis dalykus ka noreciau padaryti per vasara :DDD. Na...

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