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от: Alberto
Написано : 20-05-2021
Будет отправлено : 01-03-2031
Albert, this is you from 2021, you're currently sitting in Mr. Beltran's class as the only physical kid, at the moment. Hopefully this reaches you as you're celebrating your cumpleano, tell Mam and Maritere (or whatever she changes her name to, if she does) that I (2021 Alberto) loves them. I know that by the time I'm writing you this some people may no longer be with us, I could imagine the tears you've wept and how much their loss has hurt; but worry not, wherever they might be, what matters is the life they lived, and never forget that.
Also, this better reach you as you pursue your political career or are getting setup. Hopefully you have a lovely partner by now, or a nice couple, just to remind you, TREAT HER LIKE A QUEEN.
And lastly, live your life. Highschool is almost done (at least at the time I'm writing this) so don't forget that the ultimate goal is not acquiring any material thing or achieving total success, but making the one's you love happy and in the process yourself, it might seem selfish, but if it means seeing the one's you and I care about smile and living the only life, no matter how painful it maybe, that we know of. Be yourself: weird, curious, wakky, and always in pursuit of your dreams (if they continue being the same). Make the world a better place for your children and the future generations of humanity.
That's all I can think of right now, I have the NHS induction coming up at 1:00, so I'll see if Alonso needs help. If I come up with anything else, I'll send another email later down the road, so expect that soon.

A much younger Alberto
PS: You better be cooking, rowing, and plan on exploring the world
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