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.. ..as all starts, we were strangers. .. hey, it's me. 3nood, the junior you seem to spend your time teaching and listening to. your deer lmao. i'm writing this on the 11th of june of 2017,...

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UN DIA COMO HOY PERO DEL 2022 :o Eres una chingona:D Ahorita tengo problemas de autoestima ojala en un año, amiga, te des cuenta, y tu vida este kul, que cringe jasjjas, aun no entro a la...

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Dear future Connor Kennedy, you are a senior now. You have changed so much probably. The first day of freshman year might be a little scary. But since your a senior now you definintly know where...

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Decime ashe intensa, pero es un añito gil, te amo. Aprovecho la situación para decirte que sos artx flacx, dea no. Quería decirte que te amo, que ojalá sigas inspirándome como lo haces cada...

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Hey I hope your having a great year you turned 18 this year (if the world didnt end in 2012),but thats pretty awesome. Well Happy Birthday! hope you are having a great life. and See how Kelly is...

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