Отосланные письма : 21806
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Dear Aunty Bre, this is Cita. Right now I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade. I hope i'm still around so I can see what you look like when you get this message. By now I should be 16. I wanted...

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Hi Kelsey! It’s the day of your graduation! Pretty exciting! I wonder if you know where you’re going to school yet, USD, right?!:) Probably. It was a pretty great school! I hope you've made...

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DearFuture Sara, It's been since 9/17/2012! Where are you at this time? Do you have your own studio? Living it up? Married to the man of your dreams? Are you still with Troy Hirschhorn? Did he...

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Polina! soriuka,niekad laiškų nerašiau, beet. noriu, kad turėtum kažką panašaus nuo manęs ir tikiuos saugosi ir tausosi šitą rašliavą:D taigi, taigi. Vat, tikiuos pabaigsi...

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عزيزي انا المستقبلي.. هل خلصت كورونا كيفكم بعد الحجر و منع التجول هل لقيت وظيفة إعادة او الامارة هل تخرجت...

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