Привет! Сегодня 15.06.2022. Мне 31 год)
Забавно, правда?
Таюше 8 лет, а Ваське 7.
Тайка закончила первый класс, а...
Rašau sau šį laišką, net trupūtėlį keista, sakyčiau. Tiesa sakant laukiu nesulaukiu jį gauti, o gal greičiau pragyventi ir sužinoti, kas manęs laukia per šiuos...
Dear me,
Hello there! How was your first year of highschool? Fun I bet! Also, happy birthdayyyy! Big ol 15 now huh?
So, back on the topic of school, how was theatre? Any new friends? Fun...
Dear Future Mitchnalda,
This is one of many letters you'll be receiving from your past self. It seems such a great idea to write future letters. As of now, it is July 6th, 2020. I'm in the...
keep moving forward no matter how hard it seems you will making through anything look how far you have come with two beautiful children who love you times my get hard dont ever give up no matter...