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Marshal law on October 1st

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I admire you. you proved to me that you're not the same Aea before. I know that you will be very happy by now and hopefully, you passed the CET for your choice of university. I love you!

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Labas Sim, Dabar yra 2012 metai, O Tu sėdi kaip visad iki išnaktų, jau puse 12 liko pusvalandis iki tavo 18-iolikto gimtadienio. Klausaisi begalinio pozityvo, reggae muzika tavo gyvenimo...

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Hey Ellen! This is past you, from the end of your first quarter of college. How is everything going? I am not overly stressed for finals but I feel like I should be. I honestly believe that I...

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Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best. Everyone's love is...

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