Отосланные письма : 21805
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Hey you, happy birthday. I know you probably forgot you wrote this letter, hopefully so it will be a nice surprise haha. Well I just wanted to remind you to never give up on your dreams. You're...

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As I write this letter, I am asking for your email because I couldn't remember what it was HAHAHA you were prbbly kinda skeptical about it(you said "dafak" HHAHAH) but ofc I didn't tell you what it...

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May 28th, 2014 Dear Future Me: I am 13 years old. I am sitting in Mrs. Warfields’ communication arts class. Its May 28th, 10:27am. Anyway, my life is, okay. I...

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What does success mean? To me success is accomplishing your dream and being happy with your life. My one major goal in highschool is to get a Division 1 scholarship for football. My future...

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Sveika, brangioji :) pati žinai, kokiu planų šiems metams turėjai. Kokią viziją ir kokių lūkesčių... ar išpildei, ar įvykdei? Beveik neabejoju, kad taip!!! Kad sekasi puikiai -...

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