Отосланные письма : 21805
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So, its Taylor's 21st birtday. The creepy thing is: i am Taylor. Just a Taylor from 6 years in the past. If this comes to me, and i am still living at home. Get a job and move out you bum. If this...

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test smt#f1 predictions

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Dear me, I don't seem to Picture or imagine anything less than helping people and meeting needs. I know I cannot possibly meet everyone's needs and solve all the problems going on in the world....

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Hola Nicolas, espero que las cosas hayn cambiado en tu vida. Que hayas vuelto a creer en el amor. Que estes haciendo lo que queres hacer. Que hayas dejado esa mierda que te anula. Que llores un...

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Voy a tomarme unos minutos para desahogarme por aca, ya que no siento que le he contado demasiado de mis problemas a mi mejor amiga y aunque me ayuda a calmarme, dura poco porque el problema sigue...

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