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Привіт,з днем народження!Тобі вже 16,дорослий вік,правда? Як почуваєшся? Чи закінчилася війна? Чи перемогла...

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Hey Jordan, I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...

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сука возьмись за учебу

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Labas mergyt!!! Aš labai labai labai labai Tave myliu ir sveikinu su taip ilgai lauktu 18 gimtadieniu! :* Tu esi nerealiai nereali, niekad to nepamiršk! Pameni, kai mes kalbėjom kažkada...

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If you are reading this I hope to God you are atleast engadged. At this moment you and Amanda arent talking, and money is draining you badly. As your reading this i hope its after a long day at the...

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