الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
We out here Vibin

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1) about you. you are great friend! AND! If we will continue to be friends after all 2 years and nothing happened then it\'s the real friendship! Hope at this time you\'ll have wife, cool bike and...

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Dear FutureMe, Wassup Nick its you from high school senior year. Happy birthday by the way. dont spend it being bored come on your a college man. go get laid... you better not be a virgin...

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Dear Mauricio, Hope that from a year from today you'll be making much more than you are right now in your life. Keep designing for the love of it, never loose that passion. Remember that time...

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It's Halloween and we just finished Trick-or-treats. Anna (9) is Coraline, Nick (5) is a Fireman, and Gavin (3) is Buzz Light Year. We had a great time and everything is perfect. Happy kids and...

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